Raymond Ball presents “Combined In-Situ and Ex-Situ Treatment of PFAS at Hazardous Waste Sites”
Raymond Ball will be presenting a technology demonstration project October 18, 2022 at the UMass Soils Conference, Amherst, MA.
Please click this link for more information.
Past Presentations
March 1 -2, 2016
Presentation at Emerging Contaminants Summit in Westminister, CO
October 20 -21, 2015
Presented “Peroxone Activated Persulfate Treatment of 1,4- Dioxane in the Presence of Chlorinated VOC Co-Contaminants”.
October 19-21, 2010
U. Mass Soils Conference, Amherst, Massachusetts
Exhibit presentation by EnChem Engineering
May 24-27, 2010
Battelle Conference, Monterey, California
Platform presentation, Dr. Raymond Ball, EnChem Engineering
January 27, 2010
EPRI Symposium, San Antonio, Texas
Platform presentation, Dr. Raymond Ball, EnChem Engineering
December 2-4, 2008
SERDP & ESTCP Environmental Technology, Washington, D.C.
November 3-4, 2008
NGWA/API National Conference, Houston, Texas
October 20-23, 2008
AEHS East Coast Conference, Amherst, Massachusetts
March 10-13, 2008
18th Annual AEHS Meeting / West Coast Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, San Diego, California
Poster presentation, Dr. Raymond Ball, EnChem Engineering