Treatability Study Laboratory
Bench Scale Treatability Tests
Bench-scale treatability tests for soil and groundwater can take the form of:
1) Slurry tests, 2) Soil column tests, 3) Specialized reactor experiments, or 4) Custom experiments to answer specific technical questions; to name a few.
Bench scale treatability tests are used to better understand important design parameters relevant to an in situ treatment system design or check for any interfering compounds or conditions that would inhibit a technology’s performance under site specific conditions.
As an example of why a bench scale treatability test might be required, we present a case study where the client wanted to be sure that in-situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) treatment would destroy trichloroethene trapped in the soil and groundwater faster than the rate that the trichloroethene could volatilize and potentially enter the indoor airspace of the building. The answer to this question was crucial in determining whether to proceed with in-situ chemical oxidation underneath the building.
EnChem Engineering, Inc. has been at the forefront of developing technology and tests new technology using its treatability lab for our clients. We perform bench tests of in-situ chemical oxidation/reduction routinely. Related technologies such as in-situ metals mobility/stabilization and in situ bioremediation can be performed with our treatability lab partners.
We understand that cost is important to the client; and if we believe that we can get reliable information from a pilot-scale test, we may recommend proceeding directly to pilot-scale testing without bench-scale treatability testing.
When we work with clients, we discuss both the cost and the benefits of bench scale treatability and pilot scale testing for the client’s specific site. In some cases, this involves only conducting EnChem Engineering, Inc.’s standardized tests and at other times it means developing a new test, such as the one described in the case study above.
About Enchem Engineering
EnChem Engineering, Inc. possesses the underlying technical environmental remediation expertise, facilities and staff to solve the most complex emerging contaminant environmental challenges. We have been a hazardous waste consultant to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; National Institute of Health; the US Air Force and Fortune 500 companies.
EnChem Engineering Services
• Soil & groundwater remediation
• Hydrogeological site investigations
• Environmental site inspections
• Due diligence, litigation support
Call (617) 795-0058 for a free consultation. Ask for our white papers on environmental remediation with OxyZone®.
TEX and Chorobenzene – Total Contaminant Concentrate – ppb